Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Understanding the lingo...

I didn't think that I would be blogging any deals in detail so I never thought I needed to be detailed.. I've had a few questions regarding where I get my manufacture coupons from. I get the Sunday Paper and most of my coupons come from there and whatever I find on the Internet. But going forward.. I will be detailing where and when and from which insert I get my manufacture coupons from and also reference links when I come across them. I still have a ton of coupons that I have clipped and traded so please bear with me as I start to really organize my coupons so I can share the savings with everyone ;)
I do most of my shopping at Target, Walmart, CVS and Walgreens.. Ocassinally I will shop at Shop Rite.. Just so you understand the short hand lingo that comes along with my deals.. I thought I'd let you in..
SS = Smart Source insert.. Typically comes with your Sunday Paper
RP = Red Plum insert
PG = Procter & Gamble insert
ECB = CVS's extra card bucks
RR = Walgreens Register Rewards
Wyb = when you buy
B1G1= Buy One Get One
$1/1, $1/2 etc..= $1 off 1 item, $1 off 2 item etc..

This is all I can think of for now.. Any pointers are appreciated ;)


  1. Alice, where do you get RedPlum inserts? They don't come in the Philly Inquirer anymore.. :(

  2. LR.. I get the Red Plum from my parents now because your right.. It doesn't come with the Inquirer anymore.. They get it every Thursday.. It's free and every house gets it.. It's weird that we don't get it in the city tho.. I've been told that ppl in South Philly get it FREE too.. Btw.. Who are you LR? Cause you used my real name.. LoL

  3. You are silly.. It's Heather :p Sorry about the real name bit.. need me to delete my post?
